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[CQ-Contest] Re: Anti MASTER.DTA + more

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Anti MASTER.DTA + more
From: k4ww@arrl.net (Shelby Summerville)
Date: Sun Dec 15 05:30:44 2002
"Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca> wrote: "VE4XT - Unrealistic, unless
every contester takes typing classes and every
logging program becomes 100 per cent bug free, which none are. I'm not
suggesting it's OK to do things like tape a contest and then scrub the log
for copying errors, but you should have the freedom to fix things like a
broken multiplier (the equivocal callsign thing again), fix honest typos
(it's not a typing contest, remember) and apply the fixes from the CTRL-N
notes that you made during the contest. That's fair."

Please define the difference in "typos" and "incorrect information"? If you
"copy it correctly, but enter in incorrectly..then it's not correct"! Each
contest has an established "time frame", and, IMHO, any/all editing should
be done within that time frame! I really see on difference in "post contest
editing" and "pre contest editing", and that certainly isn't allowed?

All that being said...Happy Holidays to all.

Shelby, K4WW

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