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[CQ-Contest] Request for Signal Reports, PLEASE

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Request for Signal Reports, PLEASE
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Mon Apr 28 22:03:24 2003
Hey!  No one told me there was a test after the FQP. 

dale, kg5u

> If you were on this past weekend in the Florida QSO Party please respond 
> as follows:
> Florida Participants - Who was loud calling you - ex: I was mobile and 
> know for example that N9RV was almost always bonkers loud.  Relative 
> reports are sufficient - do not need s-meter readings, etc.
> Outside of Florida - Who was loud form Florida - please summarize your 
> comments into two categories - the fixed stations and separately the 
> mobiles.

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