Hello all:
I'm doing WAE CW this year from Maryland instead of the Caribbean. :-(
What do y'all think about strategy for the off times? (WAE requires 12
hours off during the 48 hour contest. You can take one, two or three
breaks. Each break must be at least an hour). A multiplier on 80 is
"4" points, "3" on 40 and "2" on 20-15-10.
I'm considering something like 0300-0800Z, probably with a 2 hour break
10:00-12:00 on Sunday. In the Caribbean, with high-band absorption,
I'd probably be taking breaks more like 1500-1900...
I've never done WAE CW from Maryland. I've never done a DX
contest from the US in August either!
Any thoughts?
Thanks and 73.
Mark, KD4D