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[CQ-Contest] Rules ARE Rules

To: "'cq-contest@contesting.com'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Rules ARE Rules
From: "Lawless, William" <WLawless@analogic.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:52:09 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I can't believe the energy expended debating something not written into
rules as published by the folks who sponsor a contest.

If you feel something is wrong, missing, etc. why don't you work at gettiing
the rules updated?

Example:  there's been a lot of P&M'ing out here about spotting... to the
point idiotic comments changed the thread by considering this type action as
pornographic. Good grief. GMAFB.

If it IS NOT IN THE RULES, hey dopey, guess what? It ISN'T a rule.  No
amount of arguing, P&Ming etc. is going to "POOF" magically make it appear
in print.  So as long as people wish for something, may I suggest a tooth
under the pillow might have better luck?

RULES are RULES. DUH... that's why we have them. To ESTABLISH the hard
written aspects of a contest etc.  So get over it, get off it, and accept
packet spotting as long as it is done within the WRITTEN rules.

Asbestos suit on....  FLAME AWAY !!

Bill K1UQ

ps - may I suggest the energy you are about to flame me with (seeing as if
you flame me you disagree...)  why not channel your angst into getting the
rules you have in your head agreed to by the community at large and ... OF
COURSE, DUH! the sponsor !!
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