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Re: [CQ-Contest] hiss

To: k8bb@comcast.net, cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] hiss
From: Tim Duffy K3LR <k3lr@k3lr.com>
Reply-to: k3lr@k3lr.com
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:35:46 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Don!

My favorite outboard filter to reduce high end QRM and hiss is the SCAF-1 by
Idiom press. Bob, W9KNI knows CW and his filter is super. I have to confess that
I really like my home built Crud-O-Ject, but the SCAF-1 does a much better job.

Check out:

Tim K3LR

k8bb@comcast.net wrote:

> I notice that most amateur transceivers, even most (all?) high-end units,
> have quite "hissy" audio amplification. I find this particularly irritating
> but I have ignored it or otherwise dealt with it until it doesn't bother me
> anymore. However, I have *excellent* hearing and I would like to keep it
> that way - pumping high-freqency, white-noise hiss (even very low level)
> through my headset until I become desensitized to it is not looking out for
> a healthy future. :-)
> Anybody use an audio filter to get rid of your rig's audio amplifier noise?
> I have a Heathkit HD-1418 audio filter on one of my radios which is a most
> excellent variable audio filter, but the audio amplifier in it is not much
> cleaner than my rig. I have also seen the SCAF-1 by Idiom Press that is
> intended to help low-level filter blow-by (etc.) but supposedly also helps
> fix "white noise" hiss and stuff. Anybody use one? Does it work for this
> purpose?
> Can anybody offer an alternative solution for somebody who still has
> very-wide-frequency hearing? I am not really looking for a "ham radio audio
> filter" as much as I am looking to improve the poor-quality audio coming
> from the audio amplification stage of my receivers.
> Thanks!
> Don Chisholm K8BB
> Pontiac, MI
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