Rick writes:
> Joe, W4TV, responded:
> It's high time that sponsors of primarily North American
> activities get it through their parochial heads and under-
> stand that they can not schedule CW events during RTTY
> contests.
> So, what came first...the chicken or the egg? Isn't it First
> Come (Originally Scheduled), First Served (reasonable bandwidth
> priority to co-exist together)?
I think (but have no way to confirm) that CQWW RTTY is as old
or older than TQP. Of course, RTTY is the fastest growing
contest mode so it is inevitable than bandwidth needs will
grow even if there was no overlap originally.
FQP has the same issue with SPDX RTTY on the last weekend of
April. As I said within the FCG, "domestic" contest activity
should be moved down or to 7000-7015 where there is no
international RTTY.
> Rescheduling events would be the simplest solution, but which
> entity would want to move their date(s)?
I doubt that CQ will ever consider moving any of the WW tests
from their "last weekend of the month" dates.
> I think there was also some kind of FISTS deal going on
> circa 055/060.
FISTS or one of the many QRP groups ALWAYS seem to have something
going on around 055/060. That area has always been a problem
with both RTTY and EU phone and is never going to be resolved.
... Joe, W4TV
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