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Re: [CQ-Contest] First License

To: rob beaudoin <wa1fcn@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] First License
From: Martin Durham <w1md@cfl.rr.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 22:24:00 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I was 15 years old.  January 13, 1980.  My mom called from work to say she had 
picked up an envelope from the FCC at the post office...I said open it!  I 
guess my first QSO as KA1EEF was technically illegal since my mom had the paper 
three miles from home. :))

Worked WD0CEP on 15m for my first qso.  Will never forget as my radio shack 
straight key fell apart and had to finish with the shorting bar...first DX was 
G3AWR about two weeks later on 15m. 

Some things you just never forget. Still have all my paper logs from that first 
qso on..

Good memories. 


Martin Durham
System Engineer, Harris corp.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 11, 2011, at 8:36 PM, "rob beaudoin" <wa1fcn@charter.net> wrote:

> First thanks BoB K0RC and Joe ex wn9sbd now wb9sd for sharing you old 
> memories with us.
> As for me I do not remember getting my general or advanced or extra, but I 
> sure as heck
> remember getting my novice wn1fcn sept 1965. my mother took me to evans radio 
> in Concord N. H.
> i got a national nc300 and Ranger 1. I had a part time job, but my parents 
> paid for most of it.
> I was 17 years old then.  Like Bob K0RC my first qso was on 15. i remeber 
> writing down on paper 
> what I was supposed to say before my first qso ever. Boy was I nervous. I bet 
> many of you out
> there can remeber the same trype of stories.  Be glad to read all about it.
> 73 BoB WA1FCN
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