It is the right decision.
UN, US State Dept., Ukrainian Government do not recognize Russian
occupation or annexation of Ukrainian territory by bands of masked
Putin's terrorists and proclaiming it Donetsk or Crimean "republic".
Ukrainian people, President and Government call it ATO - Anti Terrorist
Operation to eradicate masked Russian terrorist from Ukrainian soil.
This is not "Ukrainian separatists" or "Russian separatists"
or "Russian speaking population" as media still call it. When people
wish to "separate" from something, they either vote, protest or demand
it just like they did it in the winter at Maidan in Kiev.
Masked bandits in Russian uniforms with their insignia removed, with
Russian armaments and "backup" Russian army at the Ukrainian border are
not "Russian speaking Ukrainians" wishing to join Putin in resurrecting
the USSR. Shot down Malaysian airliner and thousands of dead deserve
proper recognition.
"Amateur radio should not mix in politics" doesn't hold the water.
Scores of hams died in defending their countries or were prosecuted and
they deserve recognition and support. Russia has no right to issue ham
licenses for those "independent republics" of Donetsk or Crimea. If you
want to operate legally from the territory of Ukraine, use your
Ukrainian issued license. Using Russian issued licenses for foreign
territory only legitimizes Putin's aggression and one becomes
accomplice. Remember Hitler and Sudettenland and where it ended?
It is sad to see K1ZZ and ARRL legitimizing Putin's aggression by
accepting either licenses from the occupied territories. What's next?
Putin "liberating" Russian speaking population of Brooklyn, NY?
I hope that our Russian ham friends realize what the situation is
about and do not support Putin's aggression against Ukrainian territory
and people. Who will be next? Deep thank you to all those Russians who
protested Putin in Red Square and other places in Russia.
CQ CC made the right decision and world's ham population should stand
behind Ukrainian people in defending their territory and country.
Sometime politics clash with ham radio, but we should stand behind
defenders of their countries and not aggressors.
ex OK3BU, VE3BMV, etc.
On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 09:23 AM, Randy Thompson K5ZD wrote:
> The CQ WW Contest Committee was very divided on this issue. The
Editor and
Publisher of CQ Magazine have made this policy decision. Any comments
appeals should be directed to CQ.
Randy, K5ZD
-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [] On Behalf
Andy Kazantsev
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 6:17 PM
To: 'CQ-Contest'
Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB
Hi, gyus!
What do you feel about it....
I participated in CQ WW RTTY 2014,
and planning to participate in CQ WW SSB&CW....
Spent a lot of effort and resources
who it will compensate?
Sorry if it's true ....
73! Andy UB7K
ex. UU0JM, UU7J,
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