I'd be very surprised if many serious contesters were using a single
wire antenna fed with ladder line on all bands as a primary TX antenna,
for exactly the reasons John cites.
My advice is to work toward some form of resonant, coax-fed antenna for
the bands you want to work and the contests you want to work. Candidates
are 1) resonant dipoles -- a fan dipole for 20/15/10 is easy to build
and fit into most lots if you have something to hang it from; 2) a
multi-band vertical on your roof, selecting from one of those that N0AX
and K7LXC tested about 15 years ago that performed well and doesn't need
radials. And, of course, consider a small beam. The Force 12 C3 and C3SS
are great performers and not very big. Our CQP team owns three of them,
all bought used.
Lots about this on my website -- look for the applications notes about
Antenna Planning. k9yc.com/publish.htm
73, Jim K9YC
73, Jim K9YC
On Sun,8/21/2016 1:29 PM, john@kk9a.com wrote:
How could this be made into an excellent 20m antenna? It will have very deep
nulls (30dB+) and super high SWR, plus likely high feedline loss. A 32'
dipole would be a better antenna.
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