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Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 18:02:51 -0600
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I operate plenty. Do I always send in a log. Nope. I have been contesting since I was 13. I am 52 now and have operated at V47, KP2, J6, V31, and from Colorado and Montana. So I feel that I have plenty of experience to make comments about contesting.
Thanks for your opinion.  It helps the discussion.

So everything is legal is not specifically ruled out.  Got it.

The endless drive to sneak around the rules are the exact reason we have so many rules as it is and we will hopefully have another rule for the ARRL DX contests.
This practice is a terrible precedent and if all the big guns start 
doing it, well I think most of us can see the damage that will happen.

On 3/20/2017 7:45 AM, Martin Durham wrote:
I should take the better part of (fill in your favorite adjective here) and not 
reply because this really doesn't deserve reply. But, I feel I must.

First...I'm not much of an 'expert' on CQ-Contest Reflector...I don't 
contribute thousands of Posts like you do Mike...so I'm a neophyte when it 
comes to 'reflector discussion'.

HOWEVER, I do think I have a little bit of expertise when it comes to 
contesting...I've been contesting since 1980 (first field day as a novice) and 
KA1EEF (scored 14th in the world for CQWW SSB QRP...Licensed in March 1980) and 
have put up literally hundereds of millions of points in ARRL/CQ and other 
contests (most as a member of a multi-op...NB1H my first Extra Call, then W1MD 
and this host of other stations/calls, K1ST, K1AR, K1EA, KC1XX, NQ4I, K8AZ, 
K1XX,  V26, VP5, J38, PJ2, and PJ4 come to mind). 538, 852, 302 points as part 
of Multi-op's and my own single op's just since 2002 (That equates to 'just a 
few' hours behind the wheel...so I think I have some authority to talk) Half a 
billion points since 2002. Oh, the J38X operation was a 2man M/M...we didn't 
bother with the M/2 band change rules.

The PJ4G team needs no defense because they did nothing wrong. They operated 
within the RULES...PERIOD. That someone made a recording and chose to 'stir the 
pot' on this reflector is a totally different subject.

They don't need to provide a 'written' statement...IT WAS WITHIN THE rules.

There have been many wins from the PJ4G station...in both CQWW and ARRL. That 
station is well designed and many well known contesters have operated from that 

THE OPERATION FOLLOWED the RULES. Period, end of discussion. NOW...you want to 
discuss changing the rules...go ahead.

As for your ad-hominem attack on NA2AA...why? Is that the level you have to 
stoop to? I understand NA2AA's frustration. What special software?? He wrote a 
Duping program before most people were USING software, and then a logging 
program...there is a problem with that??

There are a 'group' on this reflector that talk as if they are on Mt. Olympus, 
preaching down to the rest of us 'lowly' contestors as if we don't know what 
we're talking about. See above...1/2 Billion points contributed to contest 
scores since 2002.

You and a few others talk a lot here on the reflector...and pontificate as to 
what is right, what is not right and who should be able to do what. How about 
your experience?? I've worked on stations from my current home station 
(K3/AL-80B/DX-88/HF-2V) that has scored over 1million points in CQWW CW to 
stations like K8AZ, NQ4I, NB1H/K1ST for large M/M operations in the US. I 
regularly 'setup' the PJ4X station (we have to build the station inside and 
take it apart every contest...radios/switching/amp's/computer network/), did a 
field day setup at J38X and V26...you get the picture (or maybe you don't).

Now, I see you have been in a few contests as well since 2004...about 25 
Million points worth or maybe 1/20 the operating I've done...

It's you and your ilk that keep a lot of folks OFF the reflector...or 'lurking' 
as readers and not contributors.

No ill will intended, but get your facts straight...


From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com> on behalf of W0MU Mike Fatchett 
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:24:13 PM
To: Ron Notarius W3WN; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY

When will we see a written statement from the PJ4G guys about how this
practice is great for contesting for X reasons and that all contests
might want to consider it because of X.

There is no statement because they are upset that their little "exploit"
"loophole" etc was exposed for all to see and they are upset.  Maybe
they are embarrassed as the vocal majority seems to feel this was done
against the spirit of the rules and hobby?

We have had many arguments for disallowing the practice.  The only pro I
saw was one of the technical merits of doing such and we should not
thwart advances in technology, which I agree but not at the expense of
our already limited bands.

I read with interest that NA2AA had created special software share just
among friends.......It sure makes me wonder what that software is
doing.  This information was obtained from whoever wrote he QRZ bio, as
it was done in 3rd person so I have to guess that it was written by another?


On 3/19/2017 1:34 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
Yes, it does.

I guess flouting the spirit of the rules, while rubbing our noses in it, is
meant to be inspiration?  If that was his intent, didn't work.  Instead, it
reminds of me Scut Farkus and Grover Dill.


-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of
W0MU Mike Fatchett
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 10:24 PM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSY

This speaks volumes........Loud and clear.



On 3/17/2017 1:45 PM, David Minster wrote:
Yep.  I'm out.  We'll go on winning contests while you figure out ways to
stop us, or lick your wounds when you lose.  Or blame propagation.  Or...
David, NA2AA (PJ4G team)
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