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[CQ-Contest] Fwd: Re: Some SSCW Ideas

To: CQ-Contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fwd: Re: Some SSCW Ideas
From: Paul Schaffenberger via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Paul Schaffenberger <paulkb8n@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 12:28:16 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
From: paulkb8n@aol.com
To: CQcontest@contesting.Com, ed.n3cw@gmail.com
Cc: CQcontest@contesting.Com
Sent: 11/8/2017 9:55:30 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Some SSCW Ideas

Once again, let me restate the simplest and the most inclusive way to do this 
contest.  This would be the most competitive and the most wide-open contest 
ever!  Something for everyone, emphasizing participation!  This potentially 
keeps a most bands available throughout the contest period.
QSO's: Once per band. 

Operating Categories:  Single band*, high band, low band and all band.  *Single 
band stations could operate and post scores on up to three bands, but low, high 
and all band competitors cannot post single band scores from inside their 
overall log.  Any station could participate and provide QSOs on every band 
regardless of their competition status. Therefore, a single band competitor (or 
a hi or low band competitor) could operate on open bands and provide QSOs to 
stations competing there.  In place of a number, those stations would send "NC" 
instead of a number (non-competitor) and the rest of the exchange.  The QSO 
would still provide points and multtipliers.
Power categories:  Same.
Time frame:  Same, operate 24 of 30 hours
QSOs - once per band.  Tradition band modes only, digital mode contests should 
be separate events.
Registration:  Each competitor wishing to  compete, be eligible for awards and 
have scores listed in QST must declare their specific category within 24 hours 
of the start of the contest.  Once submitted, the category cannot be changed.
Result:  More categories, more chances for QSOs, more opportunity for awards, 
more band activity, more participation from stations with limited band choices. 
 More fun!
We have the technology to easily adopt these changes.  Let's keep the same 
basics of Sweepstakes (power categories and operating time) and change the 
internals to create crazy-fun competition! 

Paul, K5AF
In a message dated 11/7/2017 9:57:15 AM Central Standard Time, 
ed.n3cw@gmail.com writes:
 Some ideas for consideration for future SSCW contests:

1. Keep the same start time, but make the SSCW contest a 12 hour one.
Would eliminate the boring Sunday afternoons and leave more time for
2. Make the first 12 hours for 80 and 40 meters, and the second 12
hours for 20, 15, and 10. Reset the "stations worked" clock for the second
3. Make the first 12 hours for CW, and the second 12 for FT8. I think
FT8 contests are coming. Should be easy to modify the s/w for a more
meaningful exchange, and integrate FT8 and N1MM for logging.
4. Reconfigure the format to two CW segments, perhaps 6 to 8 hours
apiece, with one on Saturday and one on Sunday.
5. Make the second 12 hours have a rule change that everyone has to
change their entry power somehow. HP goes to LP, LP goes to QRP or HP, etc.
The second 12 hour "stations worked" clock would be reset. Might essentially
be two separate contests over the one weekend for reporting purposes.
6. Have two SS weekends as we do now, but have the first weekend CW for
first 12 hours, then SSB for second 12 hours. Alternate this for the second
SS weekend - SSB for first 12 hours, CW for second 12.
7. Operate SS normally for the first 12 hours. Take a break, get some
sleep. Then consider a one or two hour CW "drag race" Sunday late afternoon
or early evening, where stations return to the air and go for max score in
that one or two hour window. Reset the "stations worked" clock. Essentially
two separate contests.

Just trying to think of something new.


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