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Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWWWPX

To: kamham69@gmail.com, nss@mwt.net
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWWWPX
From: ktfrog007--- via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: ktfrog007@aol.com
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 09:49:23 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

The WPX contests are my favorites.  Everyone works everyone.  You never run out 
of mults.  It's fast paced.  You can get a sense of how folks are doing from 
the serial number.  Even the SSB contest is fun.  It's even fun for nth tier 
stations like mine.

My only problem is my logger never knows the incoming serial number in advance, 
unlike the WW contests where the logger knows all.  Surely this can be fixed.  

Ken, AB1J

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Haavisto <kamham69@gmail.com>
To: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Cc: cq-contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Thu, Mar 15, 2018 11:07 am
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQWWWPX

In the WPX, there are LOTS and LOTS of prefixes to the point where even at
the end of the contest, when running, you work a new mult every 3-5 QSO's

Pick a call, own it, and away you go.
Even if you are the only station on with that prefix, there will be lots of
folks that also have unique prefixes...

Tom - VE3CX

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Joe <nss@mwt.net> wrote:

> It's coming!
> Has anyone taken like last years results, and tried to break it down by
> popularity of prefixes?
> I'm planning on trying to get a bunch of newbies on again, and from the
> pool of possible calls we could use, of course would want to choose the
> best one :-)
> Joe WB9SBD
> --
> Sig
> The Original Rolling Ball Clock
> Idle Tyme
> Idle-Tyme.com
> http://www.idle-tyme.com
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