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Re: [CQ-Contest] : Re: NAQP CW - Rules Changes Needed

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] : Re: NAQP CW - Rules Changes Needed
From: Jeff Blaine <KeepWalking188@ac0c.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 14:22:37 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I have to wonder how much of a participant change adding this category would actually make.  The argument being made is that guys are driven to an assisted operation due to skill or location or shack limitations.  And the argument goes, that if they can't have a assisted category, then they will tend not to come out and play.
But I personally find that hard to believe on the whole - that guys are 
actually making the decision not to participate because they can't 
report a score truthfully in the assisted category.
What is more believable to me is that those guys who want to join are 
already participating, and using assistance as they prefer, and just not 
reporting a score.  Or reporting a score - and ignoring the assistance 
category issue.  If so, I don't think it meaningfully dilutes the top 
scoring results because guys with these skill/location/shack limitations 
are going to have a tough time getting into the box.
While adding an assisted category may increase log submissions, my guess 
is that guys wanting to run assisted are already doing so and are 
already joining in the fray.  Meaning participation patterns at the 
aggregate level will be about where they are now.

On 8/9/21 12:25 PM, iainvest@gmail.com wrote:
If you want to increase the number of participants, then offering an
assisted category makes a lot of sense.  I live in a HOA.  Antenna is hidden
in the trees.  Fortunately I live above the average terrain so I do better
than most with a compromised antenna. The majority of my operating is search
and ponce.  Do I get answered on the first call? Often not. So you call
again.  Then go searching for the next call sign that is not a dupe.
Operating in assisted mode just makes it a lot more fun and results in
spending more time operating in the contest.

73, Larry K8LS

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