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[CQ-Contest] IARU HF Championship 2024 - multiplier list of HQ stations

To: Win-Test Reflector <support@win-test.com>, CQ Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] IARU HF Championship 2024 - multiplier list of HQ stations
From: "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <n6tv@arrl.net>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:31:52 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I have uploaded, and will continue to update, versions of the HQ data files
built for various loggers based on OZ0J's source data.  The last update
includes B7HQ as CRAC, and other HQ stations.  If your logger doesn't
prefill CRAC when you enter B7HQ, then your logger's prefill database is
out of date.

The link to download the files needed for N1MM+, Writelog, Win-Test,
DXLog.net, TR4W, SkookumLogger, and UcxLog is:


This short link will download a Zip file named itu.zip.  Brief installation
instructions and test procedures are explained in the Readme.txt file
inside the Zip file.

If any of the *instructions* are out of date, please contact me OFF LIST
and I will update the Readme file.

PLEASE SEND HQ STATION UPDATES TO Joe, OZ0J, contest@oz0j.dk, not to me.
Joe maintains a master list and I convert it to all the other formats.


Bob, N6TV
CQ-Contest mailing list

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