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[ct-user] CT - Mouse

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT - Mouse
From: Mike Walker <mwalker@geronimo.legato.com> (Mike Walker)
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 08:34:30 -0500

You need to find a DOS mouse driver (ie:  mouse.com).  Load it before the

(if I had one handy, I would attach it)


At 07:54 AM 12/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Not having any luck getting CT to see that I have a mouse. I am using a
>486/66 with WIN 3.1. The mouse is a standard 2 button mouse using the driver
>that comes within WIN3.1(the "Microsoft or IBM PS2" driver is selected).
>Mouse works fine in all my Windows applications. What am I missing to make it
>work in CT, preferably in the DOS only mode (i.e. not running out of WIN at
>all). Mouse is on COM1.

Mike Walker VA3MW
Corbeil Contest Club

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