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[ct-user] WinIntel vrs Linux for CT

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] WinIntel vrs Linux for CT
From: Dean Norris <dnorris@k7no.com> (Dean Norris)
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 12:40:40 -0700
At 10:02 03/20/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>My concern with CT being ported to windows is that the "old" versions
>that work under DOS will cease to be upgraded and supported.  I
>currently have 2 386 machines, and 1 486 machine in the shack.  The two
>386 machines were aquired especially for running CT and RTTY contest
>software.  I'm not planning to upgrade those machines to pentiums just
>so I can run CT.

I certainly hope the writer/creator of CT doesn't base his updates on users
of 4-5 year old technology.  I have a 386 machine that still runs CT7.  Do
I want a windows version??? You bet.  Bring it out!

>I just hope that the dos verisons of the software don't die out too
>Al, KE1FO
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                  C. Dean Norris, K7NO             
               e-mail to dnorris@k7no.com
Proud charter member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!

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Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
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