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[ct-user] F1 repeat/W9XT and others

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] F1 repeat/W9XT and others
From: jtolbert" <jtolbert@gremlan.org (jtolbert)
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 20:02:53 -0500
Used ver 9.27 this weekend in spite of the fact it wont auto-repeat the CQ
message...I found out I kinda like it that way better...        
being able to manually control when you key seemed a little better than
having the machine key just when someone called...This was really the first
contest using packet with CT..( I was low power assisted...Do other tests
have this category...I know the ARRL doesn't but 
CQWW maybe??) The only trouble was after changing bands and then ctrl -> in
to the announce window , select the station and then hit
enter it changes back to the original band...only happens when u change
bands....I would shift f2 to the correct band and after that
all the packet spots pulled in would be correct until u changed bands

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  • [ct-user] F1 repeat/W9XT and others, <jtolbert@gremlan.org (jtolbert) <=