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[ct-user] FILE CONVERTER ?!

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] FILE CONVERTER ?!
From: Robert, S57AW" <robert.bajuk@kiss.uni-lj.si (Robert, S57AW)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:07:54 +0200
Hello !

Does anybody have an idea how to convert *.ALL files from CT into any other 
useful format (*.BIN, *.LOG,*.ADIF etc). I had a "crush" on my disk and lost a 
lot of data in my computer log. I have only *.ALL files from previus contests. 
Does anybody know about any software which can convert *.ALL files from CT to 
any other "useful" file for importing into LLW. 

Any idea would be very welcome !

73 de Robert, S57AW

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  • [ct-user] FILE CONVERTER ?!, <robert.bajuk@kiss.uni-lj.si (Robert, S57AW) <=