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[ct-user] CT and Y2K - was - Incorect date !!!

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT and Y2K - was - Incorect date !!!
From: John Allen" <jallen@vhfcom.com (John Allen)
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 21:44:04 -0500
Hello Dan and the CT user community --

I tried CT 9.46 with DOS 6.22 on a 1992 Taiwan clone 486 machine that
dual boots Dos 6.22 with NT 4 SP3 I had the machine on over midnight
12/31 to 1/1 running NT.  (By mistake!!).  It turns out that that is
good - see


[If you have a dual boot machine with NT, boot into NT FIRST (See Part 7 of
the url above)]

CT 9.46 seems to do all the right things, but alt-F with NO QSO logged
said 1/1/1970 Alt F with a QSO logged said 1/1/2000 and the writelog
output looked ok.

If I were the support staff for CT, I would say, at this point, IF YOU
ARE NOT RUNNING 9.46, please upgrade before reporting any bugs.  I had
used 9.27 for quite a while while the newer code stabilized, but in my
opinion, (based on my experience), 9.46 (and versions to come) is
(are) the better choice at this point in time.

73 all and happy New Year and may the contest gods be good to you,

John K1AE ex K1FWF.

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