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[ct-user] No Cabrillo ARRL 160 V9.53

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] No Cabrillo ARRL 160 V9.53
From: BILLTURNEY@aol.com (BILLTURNEY@aol.com)
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 21:14:52 EST
I was surprised when I viewed my WS4Y.txt to see no log.  In looking
over my files created when I did WRITELOG I noticed a WS4Y.log.  This
is different.  Before the log would have been filename.all.  I printed this
log file and the format is different than that found in old filename.all 
I suspect this is the new format but I am not sure.  I think it is all to be
in one file.  Maybe they could be merged?
Bill, WS4Y

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