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[ct-user] CT Bugs active, old ones and NEW one

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT Bugs active, old ones and NEW one
From: oe5oho at gmx.at (Oliver Huber)
Date: Mon Jul 14 09:06:13 2003
as OH6XX mentioned "Mode change problem on CTwin 9.90.007" i already had
posted a bug-report to http://www.k1ea.com/ct-bugs.htm

DXped modechanges from the ones that come up when you start the DXped log
are not possible! and i am talking of the DOS version CT 9.90.007 DOS!
seems CTwin has the same troubles!

like others mentioned too - why do singleband/mode contests start up on
20m? why not on the only band i want to operate on, why not in the only
mode i want to operate on. 
this is in reality a minor problem - but - during IARU HF Championship last
weekend it makes things difficult for the not so used CTlogging contesters!
it?s no problem for me personally to switch band/modes to be qrv.... but
is this really a big problem Ken? why do i have to say MONO 15 in the 
setup window and then i start at 20 anyway? in the wrong mode?

************ ONE NEW BUG i would like to be changed!!!

guess the bug itself is old...

using CT in a CW contest i like the RPT function. it works for F1 only.
but - rpt does NOT function in SSB modes!

i want to use RPT also in SSB contests, so i can trigger a CQ on F1-pin
on LPT1, so my voicekeyer gets keyed from my PC at the timedelay i adjust
within CT by using the RPT function like in CW.

Ken - would love that addition (and OE5CWL too ;-)

73 Oliver

      ... One of the BCC ...
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