CTWIN does not support serial CW, only parallel port CW. So, if you don't have
a parallel port, you will have to get a USB to parallel adapter or a card to
put in the computer.
At 8/8/2007 09:01 PM, Bill Free wrote:
>I have a somewhat related question to the "how do I get storage from CT
>under XP?"
>My computer runs XP and I am using CTWIN. However, there are no
>COMports on my box, only USB ports. How do I configure it to key my rig
>on CW? I've missed quite a few cw contests because of this shortcoming
>of mine.
>de Red N3TG
>CT-User mailing list
>CT on the web: http://www.k1ea.com/
CT-User mailing list
CT on the web: http://www.k1ea.com/