Bob, W9GE wrote:
I too had a "keying failure" on my Orion. When sending a string of =
dahs the output falls off and comes back up again. It was somewhat =
visible on the ALC indidcator, but was very obvious when viewed on an =
analog watt meter. My Orion worked fine from early November 2003 right =
up until sometime last week, when the problem really manifested itself. =
After completely eliminating any external problems, I packed the Orion =
up and it should arrive at Ten Tec today for them to take a look.
I had an almost identical occurrence with my Orion. I discovered
it when trying to use certain of my beverage antennas on 80 or 40M at the
same time as the Titan 425 at a KW. (Visible on the Peak Power
lights.) My solution was simple--since the RX antennas weren't really
effective on those bands anyway--I just press the lower-left RX ANT button,
and the problem goes away. Press it again and it is bad again.
I haven't bothered to see what my signal sounded like when this
happened, but wonder if this is the effect that W0YG reported when he was
told that his signal was "raspy". I doubt it.
Charles - N5UL
Hobbs, NM
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