My Orion replaces my simple-to-use and simple-to-understand Omni Six Plus.
I've hooked up the Orion and started to play with it. The learning curve
is somewhat more than I expected, to put it mildly.
This is not to say I don't like the radio -- I really, really, do. It's
just that there is a lot to learn and what I've read doesn't help me as
much as I'd like.
My questions are as follows:
- is there a 'quick start' guide to operating? Neither the TT video nor
any document I've seen seems to get me to where I'm going.
- has anyone written a cross-reference of Omni Six and Orion operations.
That would be a great document I'd love to have! (For example, a) does
the Orion have a way to easily move up or down a band as hte Omni does
when you push the up or down arrow? b) can one easily switch in Orion
filters as one did with the Omni by merely pushing a single button?)
More... regarding the firmware "wish list" - is it published? I'd be
interested to know what has been requested, implementable or not. For
example, is there a way to reduce the amount of information on the
display screen? Being a Single Radio person, I don't often need the "sub
receiver" information on the right side of the screen. Can I turn it off?
Thanks for your indulgence.
Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC
Orion mailing list