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[RFI] What next?

To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] What next?
From: EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards@oppd.com (EDWARDS, EDDIE J)
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 16:16:41 -0600

> -----Original Message-----
> From: K4SB [SMTP:k4sb@mindspring.com]
> > Out of frustration she may then take it to court if she has more money
> than
> > sense.  She will lose of coarse, but it'll cost you too!  So what I'm
> trying
> Don't think so. I believe in these cases you are entitled to
> recover full costs of defending yourself.
        [Ed-K0iL]  Hi Ed; I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think you're
"entitled" to recover full costs in every state or every case.  It may
depend on how the judge rules in the case.  I know of a ham who found
himself in court over RFI.  I have a first-hand e-mail from him telling me
the story.  The neighbor really wanted to get rid of the ham's towers and
the RFI, but they only sued over the RFI issue.  The judge was very
sympathetic to the neighbor, not the ham!  But he also had to follow the
law, and federal pre-emption forced him to rule in favor of the ham.  After
he won, the ham's lawyer said it would cost as much to sue to recover his
costs than he had already spent.  Like I said, maybe that varies from state
to state, I don't know.

        de ed -K0iL

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