Hi Kirb and the Group
ICES-006 is the Industry Canada standard covering
power line transmission and defined area radiators. It
is not really equivalent to FCC Part 15 as it does not
include unintentional radiators such as computers. The
power line transmissions it covers at the moment are
the low frequency systems which have been in use for
many years for monitoring and control. The defined
area radiators are things such as campus broadcast
stations. It is just about wide enough to include BPL,
and certainly so for trial systems, but doesn't
specifically mention it, and that it why it would be
revised if necessary.
The IC guy that I spoke to was very clear that they
expect BPL (if it is to be permitted) to cause no
interference to licensed users of the spectrum. The
example he gave was the use by the cable TV industry
of 121.5MHz (Aeronautical distress frequency). That
industry is allowed NO external radiation whatsoever
on that frequency for obvious reasons (or incidentally
on 2m). He was also very aware of the other countries
that have banned BPL, and after my prompting is
proposing to look at everything relevant on the ARRL
web site.
I feel fairly confident that IC will not permit BPL if
it causes anything like the level of interference that
most of us fear!
73 Roger
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