Yeah, it probably is "atmospheric" since everyone
seems to attribute the 'blame' that way (but I would
ask you or anyone else to cite me "studied work" on
the subject to support that contention.)
Chalk it up to the fact you are probably using using a
narrow band SSB or CW filter when you receive that
wide-band noise; you would probably hear a raspy 60
or 120 Hz racket if you opened up your IF bandwidth and
used the AM mode to listen to the 'noise'.
Now, I *do* draw the distinction between multiple
distant signals and the plethora of interference that
creates, especially on 40 what with all the foreign
Jim P
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Johnson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: [RFI] Ambient Noise Levels
> In the morning (let's say 7am local time) my "ambient noise" on 40
> meters is about S0 to S1. In the evening (let's say 10pm local time)
> it is S4 to S5. Normally, 14Mhz and up tend to behave the opposite
> since the band closes at night and atmospheric noise decreases. Is
> this increase in noise at night on 40m due to atmospheric noise or due
> to increased use of electronics by my neighbors at night? The noise
> actually sounds more like atmospheric noise, but I'm not sure. Anyone
> else have a theory?
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