Even an audio scope is good enough if you first rectify the RF to
recover the envelope. I presume that's what they were talking about WRT
the Sadelco (etc.) FS meter. These old CB meters' sensitivity increases
with frequency (until the sampling baod nears resonance, anyway) but you
can use a toroidal style meter to get a pretty level response.
For DIY directional couplers, check out (for example)
On 12/29/2012 1610, N1BUG wrote:
I have some more questions. I have been re-reading relevant sections
of Loftness' book on using an oscilloscope with a Sadelco (or similar,
presumably) field strength meter but it isn't all coming together for me.
For this purpose, what are the minimum scope specifications for
acceptable performance (bandwidth and otherwise)? The two scopes
referenced in the book appear to be 40 and 60 MHz units. I don't see
why that bandwidth would be needed. Is it? ...
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