Has anyone had any problems with RFI from an array of solar panels via their
controller/charging system ?
RE: last week's posting of a very loud "birdie" on 50.098, repeating every
100KHz or so up/dn the 6m band. I could not detect it on HF so far as I
only have a 30m 4sq array and did not notice any problems.
Apparently, a house about 1000ft+ from this QTH just had a bunch of solar
panels installed. The yagi has it pretty much "dead aimed" at the house in
question ! I pretty much rejected a modem/router problem as this seems to
be loudest in the early morning and then weakens as the morning progresses,
sometimes going silent then comes on every so often with a "hash" type
interference on the same freq(s). I is a loud "carrier" with other
sub-carriers injected at various intervals which I would believe is possible
data being sent from the controller to the charging system (?).
Any assistance/advice would be very helpful !
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