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Re: [RFI] HomePlug OK?

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] HomePlug OK?
From: Jim Brown <jim@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Reply-to: jim@audiosystemsgroup.com
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 21:37:08 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
On 9/1/2018 6:31 PM, GaryK9GS wrote:
I have a TP Link range extender and it works really well.
Why are we locked in to wifi routers supplied by internet vendors, which 
are likely to be whatever they could buy the cheapest? There are a lot 
of very good WiFi routers around -- read the reviews to find them, don't 
be a cheap ham and buy one of them! I'm using an ASUS RT-AC66U. Feed 
your internet modem to it.
Besides -- if you check your bill for internet service, there's a good 
chance you're getting charged a rental on that unit, which you could 
probably buy for a year or two's rent.
  Wireless router is in the basement, roughly the center of the house.
The only good reason for sticking it in the basement is to minimize 
coverage to your neighbors. I see pretty good signal from one or two 
neighbors that are at least 250 feet away.
Also, look at power settings and channel assignments, and check what 
channels your neighbors are using. I use WiFiInfoView from this company. 
http://www.nirsoft.net/ ; Also their Wireless Internet Watcher shows you 
all the connections to your network. Both are free.
73, Jim K9YC

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