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[RTTY] NAQP spotting allowed?

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] NAQP spotting allowed?
From: vk4cej@hamsnet.net (John)
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 08:01:01 +1000
> If you're you're not submitting a score, then you don't have to play by
> rules!  I hope you will get on and work a few of us!

Hello Jim... yes, I would like to do that.    Unfortunately 1800z is 4am
here and being the middle of winter, there is no way I am going to get out
of bed at 4am.......... I will definitely be on air to give out the points,
but due to other problems I am experiencing, this will be on 10 metres only.

I will scan up and down the band from around 1730z and if the band is quiet,
will try to sit between 28080 and 28090.   Maybe someone will 'spot' me once
I get settled.    I will not be putting in a log so might even spot myself.
I will be using the call VK4WPX.   Cheers


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