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[RTTY] 2001 NAQP RTTY Log (request..)

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] 2001 NAQP RTTY Log (request..)
From: k5dj@writelog.com (Ron K5DJ)
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 14:01:57 -0000
Hi All, I would like to make one request when you send your logs.
Please send all logs with your call sign in the title and send the 
log as an attached file. I have two logs that were not sent as 
attached files. It slows me down quiet a bit when I start check logs 
to have to fool around with logs that were not attached. I have fixed 
these two logs already no need to send them again if you know you sent 
your log as an un-attached file..

I will post all logs I receive on both 3830 and the RTTY reflectors for 

 73, de Ron K5DJ

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  • [RTTY] 2001 NAQP RTTY Log (request..), Ron K5DJ <=