How about a new power category for contests?
High power / Low power means very little to me.
100W into vertical/dipole =3D (3dbi * 100) =3D EIRP 300W
100W into directional antenna =3D (8dbi * 100) =3D EIRP 800W
(One could assume the same advantage in receive).
Instead of High power / Low power, how about :-
A). Multi - Element antenna (with directivity)
B). Single - Element antenna (no directivity)
This was the entrance category for the Comoros D68C trophy contest. They =
had many QSO's and unique calls in their log !=20
They also encouraged a lot of new DXer's in the little pistol category.=20
Just a thought....not a serious proposal.
My Cat sometimes wakes me up if I drop off at the keyboard during RTTY =
Contesting (Ohnest!!)
Does that place me in MOST category ? (Only joking!)
Cu in the next test, and I hope we all have a lot of fun!!!=20
Life is short, let's all try to be happy.
73 Dave G4WFQ.
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