I am back in VE2 land. My operation from 5V was not as successful
as expected because of a very poor propagation (no propagation
whatsoever during daytime) and lots of atmospheric noise. However
I was able to make 666 QSO on RTTY on 20m and 15m in 3 evenings
and 1 afternoon.
Thanks to all of you to be so disciplined in the pile-ups. It really
helped me to reach a QSO rate of about 80 per hour.
Please be patient for the 5V7XO QSL. It is not yet printed, not
even designed. I'll send a note on this list when I start sending
them. I'll be back in 5V and also in TY next Spring.
I'll be 3XY6A and then 6W1RT in less than 3 weeks. More on
this later.
Best 73 de Francois, VE2XO.
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