There was a lot of activity during the ARRL RTTY Roundup contest last week.
My score improved over previous years. I hope you were happy with your
results. Many operators submitted their results to this reflector or to 3830.
I read all the soapbox comments and find them interesting and informative.
Some operators feel that their scores are just too low and do not submit them
at all. I believe that even if you only made a few contacts, you should
submit a log to the sponsor. This should help the log checkers validate qso's
and includes you as a participant.
Along with the RTTY reflector and 3830, there is the WORLD RTTY CONTEST SCENE
website that keeps track of Claimed and Final Scores. DJ3NG Sigi, created a
database of International RTTY Results and anyone may access the results at <A
RTTY CONTEST SCENE</A> It only takes a minute to submit
claimed score for any major RTTY contest. Immediately, you can see how well
you did, compared to the many familiar callsigns already posted. You can also
compare your current results with your results of a year ago. The database
tracks a TOPLIST that will show your total qso's for the calendar year and
the number of major contests that you entered. Sigi has included a RTTY
Calendar and links to sponsor sites. If you submit your log to the sponsor
and do not submit your claimed score to the RTTY CONTEST SCENE, your score
will eventually be included when the final results are published. Your
callsign is probably already in the database. The 2002 TOPLIST is currently
75 pages long. Why not take a look at this interesting website and enter your
Claimed ARRL ROUNDUP results today? If you enter your claimed score and make
an error, don't worry. Enter your scores again, because Sigi checks the
database each day and deletes double entries. <A
HREF="";>Click here: RTTY CONTEST
73 VE6YR Bob
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