ARRL RTTY RU Score Summary 2003
Start Date : 2003-01-04
CallSign Used : N2DBI
Operator(s) : N2DBI
Band : ALL
Power : LOW
Mode : RTTY
Default Exchange : NY
Name : Stephen E. Wojton
Address : 2924 Ransomville Road
City/State/Zip : Ransomville NY 14131
Country : USA
ARRL Section : WNY
Club/Team : =20
Band Contacts Mults Score
---- -------- ----- -----
3.5 166 5 830
7 160 31 4929
14 202 16 3232
21 218 34 7412
28 88 26 2288
Total 834 112 93296
** Note that the number of contacts includes dupes **
Final Score : 93296
Rig : Icom 746, MMTTY and N1MM Logger.=20
Antennas : Chushcraft A4S with 40 Meter add-on @ 55 FT. and =
80 Meter inverted vee @ 50 FT.
Soapbox :=20
First time effort in the RU. Learned alot. Highlight was FK8HN
answering my 15 Meter CQ on Saturday afternoon. Also answered
by a few VK-ZL's LP 20 Meters Sunday afternoon.
80 Meter condx excellent Sat. night, worked many EU.=20
Should have spent more time on 10 Meters. MMTTY with N1MM Logger ran =
CU next year without a doubt!=20
Should SO2R be a seprate catagory ? =20
Steve- N2DBI
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