> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 10:13:00 +0200
> From: "OZ4SK, Stig Kahr" <OZ4SK@dixit.dk>
> Subject: [RTTY] RTTY comment filtering in a DX cluster
> To: rtty@contesting.com
> Message-ID: <65A2692A-03CA-11D9-8CB7-000D93ADD87E@dixit.dk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> How can I set a filter so it will only show spots with "RTTY" in the
> comment field?
> I don't want to use band-map filtering because then I won't get spots
> outside normal freq. ranges in contests.
> I am using the Mac OS X application NetDXCluster.
> Stig, OZ4SK
Stig, OZ4SK
I am using the same NetDXCluster by NI5V and it does not alow for users to
add command strings. I cheated by using the three filter commands. Go to
Preferences/Filters and under the canned 'DX City Spot' label add the
sh/dx/30 where freq > 14060.0 and freq < 14120.0
This will give you the last 30 spots in the 20 meter RTTY portion of the
band. It works pretty good on the AR Cluster by AB5K
I also use
sh/dx where Mode = 'RTTY' for general RTTY
Let me know how it works
73 de Dick, AA5VU
Mac G4-AGP running OSX 10.3.5
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