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[RTTY] Contest Happenings - Comments!

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Contest Happenings - Comments!
From: "Robert Jonsson" <tf3rb@internet.is>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 20:57:23 -0000
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Please send 599 241 241

That is 599 and the exchange twice.

When I get 241-241 or 241241  then I have to use the keyboard to input the
numbers in my program THAT slows me down a lot more.

Also if I don?t get the 599 first the number following is not detected in
the program

I have used 3 of those contesting programs and they all worked that way


Again please send  ?My Callsign? 599 exchange exchange de ?Your Callsign?

That makes me FAST!!!


Regards tf3rb



I prefer to use 241-241-241-241 versus 241 241 241 241 in order to get
around the unshift on space (going to letters on a space character).


With 241 241 241 241 241 you should be sending 2 4 1 sp figs  2 4 1 with
241-241-241-241 you are only sending 2 4 1 - 2 4 1 


which is a little more efficient.








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