I fixed the VE problem. It was the only entity with missing prefixes.
I eliminated a few more entities unlikely to be on in contests:
3D2/c - Conway Reef
3D2/r - Rotuma
FK/c - Chesterfield
FO/c - Clipperton
KH8/s - Swains Island
Even with the addition of the missing VE prefixes, I was able to keep the
prefix list under 1700. This will certainly change when I merge in the latest
country file changes (see below).
Tonight I will try to make sure I am using the latest country file, then
release an update WF1B.DAT. There may be one more update before CQWW RTTY.
73 - Jim AD1C
Jim Reisert AD1C/0, <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us
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