On Oct 10, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Carter, K8VT wrote:
> 1) Build and de-bug a "six tone" RTTY decoder (what ever that may be)
> by Nov 15
> 2) Hope propagation is good and that there is no QRM during the
> transmission..
> 3) Come up with an unobtainium Lorenz cipher machine
> 4) Decode the message.
Didn't Alan Turing do all of the above? And with the added pressure
that the world would blow up around him if he didn't succeed.
Anybody knows if they intend to publish a WAV file of the transmission?
Chen, W7AY
(By the way Carter, re item 3, the BASIC code for the Lorenz
algorithm appears to be on their web site. You still need to guess
the various (for a very large "various") permutations of the two keys.)
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