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To: RTTY Reflector <rtty@contesting.com>
From: David Levine <david@levinecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 08:21:50 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hopefully no one takes this as cheating or publishing information to impact
the outcome of the contest. I'm doing this because I've run into this
multiple times in a RTTY contest before with the latest being 0 (zero) vs O
(letter) in an operators call. Everyone always says to "copy what was
printed" and I believe that too. Anyway, here's the story...

An operator last night, that I see no evidence is on this mailing list, was
sending his name as GEROGE vs GEORGE. I even sent in my exchange that I hope
he knows he has a typo in his macro. I asked for a repeat and then watched
him work the next 2 stations as he was calling CQ, sending GEROGE each

Now 1 of 2 things can happen from this. He manually mistyped his name in the
macro but has it correct in whatever his logging program is going to use to
generate his cabrillo file. If that is the case, his log will show GEORGE
and I will have GEROGE. Or, his macro used the same typo that his log
program will use and I'll get a match. I guess a 3rd option is he doesn't
even send in his log.

For folks that either pre-filled or manually entered it in their log as
GEORGE I guess there's the same shot of being dinged if he submits GEROGE.
For those of us that copied GEROGE but he submits GEORGE, we could get
dinged. Or the contest checker folks can be aware of this and be on the
lookout for the specific call and handle it appropriately in the log

K2DSL - David
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