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Re: [RTTY] WAE & QTC's

To: RTTY Contesting <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] WAE & QTC's
From: "Ken Anderson, N0AS" <n0as.dx@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 10:13:31 -0600
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Thanks for the many replies!  I have a much better handle on what the QTC's are 
about, etc. I'd better fire up N1MM and practice a bit. :)

Amateur Radio Callsign: N0AS

Irritating nearly everyone since 1956.

ARRL: arrl.org
Twin City DX Association: tcdxa.org
INDEXA: indexa.org
FISTS: fists.org
DMC: digital-modes-club.org

On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Richard Ferch <ve3iay@storm.ca> wrote:

> N0AS asked:
>> Are QTC's generally sent with *each* QSO?
>> Will I be expected to send QTC's with each QSO?  And,
>> Should I expect to receive QTC's with each QSO?
> No, no and no.
> Each QSO you make can only be sent in a QTC once, so you cannot send 
> more QTCs than you make QSOs. As an individual you could receive more 
> QTCs than you make QSOs, but combined over everyone in the contest the 
> number of QTCs received cannot be larger than the number of QSOs made.
> QTCs are normally sent in batches of 10, although especially towards the 
> end of the contest you sometimes see smaller batches. This means that on 
> average, you would only send QTCs once every 10 or more QSOs. On average 
> over everyone in the contest, the same is true for received QTCs.
> Note that QTCs can only be exchanged between stations in different 
> continents.
> So, most QSOs are no different than in, say, WPX RTTY. Every few QSOs, 
> assuming you are working DX and not just stations in your own continent, 
> you may be asked to send or receive a batch of QTCs, and those 
> particular QSOs take quite a bit longer than usual.
> The job can be facilitated by using contesting software to automate it; 
> without this help, record-keeping can be a daunting task.
> 73,
> Rich VE3KI
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