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Re: [RTTY] Contest CQ-detection by the RTTY-Skimmer system

To: Bostjan Voncina - S55O <bostjan.voncina@gmail.com>, "rtty@contesting.com" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Contest CQ-detection by the RTTY-Skimmer system
From: Walter Dallmeier <walter.dallmeier@dl4rck.de>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:11:44 +0200
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hello Ian,

"CQ S55O S55O TEST "
"TU S55O CQ "

will work.
But note... a " " (Space) must be at the end of each call.
I will change something in the skimmer and release a new version soon.

73 de Walter, DL4RCK
Walter Dallmeier

2014-06-22 11:21 GMT+02:00 Bostjan Voncina - S55O <bostjan.voncina@gmail.com

> Hi Walter!
> First thank you for all your work.
> I use these sintaxes ( i try to be as short as possible on cq):
> "S55O S55O TEST"
> "TU S55O TEST"
> These as you say, now wont be understood by the skimmer.
> So i have to change them to
> "CQ S55O S55O TEST"
> "TU S55O CQ"
> or
> what will work ?
> Best of luck
> BoĊĦtjan - Ian S55O
> 2014-06-21 18:30 GMT+02:00 Walter Dallmeier <walter.dallmeier@dl4rck.de>:
>> Hello RTTY-Contester,
>> just a reminder ....
>> The RTTY Skimmer is not detecting a CQ at the end of a CQ-call anymore,
>> cause of to many wrong detections (changed since 4 month).
>> The best way to be CQ-detected and posted on the skimmer cluster system is
>> to place a "QRZ " at the end of the CQ-call. E.g.  "CQ TEST XX1XXX XX1XXX
>> QRZ " (note the space " " at the end of the call). This QRZ is like a CQ,
>> if the CQ at the beginning is missed.
>>   - CQ detection in front of the call
>>       "CQ DL4RCK "  or  "CQ DE DL4RCK "
>>       "CQDX DL4RCK " or  "TEST DL4RCK "
>>       "CQDX DE DL4RCK " or  "TEST DE DL4RCK "
>>   - CQ detection after the call
>>       "... DL4RCK QRZ "     or "... DL4RCK QRZ? "
>>       "... TU DL4RCK CQ "   or "... TU DL4RCK QRZ "
>>       "... TU DL4RCK QRZ? " or "... QSL DL4RCK CQ "
>>       "... QSL DL4RCK QRZ " or "... QSL DL4RCK QRZ? "
>>       "... DE DL4RCK CQ "   or "... TU DL4RCK QRZ "
>>       "... DE DL4RCK QRZ? " or "... CFM DL4RCK CQ "
>>       "... DL4RCK UP "
>> Connection to the Digital-Cluster System:
>>    dl4rck.ham-radio-op.net:8000
>> 73 de Walter, DL4RCK
>> Walter Dallmeier
>> www.dl4rck.de
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