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Re: [RTTY] RM-11708 on Oct 4th ARRL Exec Committee Adgenda

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RM-11708 on Oct 4th ARRL Exec Committee Adgenda
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:12:21 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
The commission has traditionally accepted comments in amateur matters
until Staff begins to prepare a draft notice for the Section Chief (in
the case of delegated authority) or the Commissioners review.  Amateur
issues have not been held to the strict 30/10 day standards nor has the
Commission been particularly quick to act on Amateur matters.

ARRL's last attempt to cram through PACTOR 4 (the poorly thought out
and explained "regulation by bandwidth") remained open for a couple
years with no action until ARRL pulled the proposal and began work on
what has become RM-11708.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2014-10-02 7:55 PM, Phil Sussman wrote:
I understand that has already been done. A few director comments last
year reflected the view that late filings would of necessity have to
be disregarded since the ARRL already had some assurance of that.

On the other hand the RM remains in an 'open' status, thus allowing
new comments to be accepted. Whether they will be considered by the
FCC staff is another matter.

73 de Phil - N8PS

Quoting Ben Antanaitis - WB2RHM <wb2rhm@wb2rhm.com>:


Bet you that the first thing the ARRL Exec Committee decides is to
have their legal team file/request that the FCC disregard any comment
on RM-11708 that was filed outside of the original 30-day comment

Ben - WB2RHM    _______________________________________________
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