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Re: [RTTY] ARRL Board Meeting - Approved modified HF band plan changes

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] ARRL Board Meeting - Approved modified HF band plan changes
From: john <w8wej@citynet.net>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 21:54:54 +0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
power and greed--then and now  john w8wej

On 7/24/2015 9:15 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------(may be snipped)

On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 11:32:55 -0500, someone wrote:

Perhaps that's one of the reasons someone (formerly?)
at the FCC speculated on eventually only having one license class.

I'm one of the old f***s who still thinks incentive licensing was a
bad thing for amateur radio. Before then, there were just Novices who
had one year to upgrade or they were done with amateur radio (i.e.
non-renewable), and the General class which nearly everybody had.
There were some higher classes available but they were just for
prestige and conveyed no additional privileges. Few hams bothered with

After incentive licensing we had this class structure which split us
into groups - code vs no-code, my license is better than yours, etc,
etc.  Thank you, ARRL. That was not good then and it's still not good.
The old system worked perfectly and should not have been messed with.

73, Bill W6WRT
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