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Re: [RTTY] Science fiction RTTY

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Science fiction RTTY
From: Steve Carpenter via RTTY <rtty@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Steve Carpenter <k4dxv@aol.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 22:56:56 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Very cool. I've never read the story, but now I'm intrigued.

Steve, K4DXV

On 11/17/2016 7:12 PM, Kermit (aka Ken) via RTTY wrote:
In Harlan Ellison's famous sci-fi short story, "I Have No Mouth and I Must
Scream," sections are marked by punched paper tape images.  In  most
editions of the story, they are corrupted or meaningless, but they were  
to be in the International Telegraph Alphabet #2 (ITA2) that we  use for
RTTY.  In correct reproductions, as shown in Wikipedia, (lsb at the  top), the
tapes read: "I THINK, THEREFORE I AM" and "COGITO ERGO SUM" along with
leading and trailing CR and LF characters.  The thinking entity is the  story's
crazed computer which took over the world and killed everyone except a  few
pet humans to torture.
My personal interest in this story is that one evening in 1974 I read it
and was horrified (no trigger warning!).  I mentioned it to my  wife,
wondering how possible it was and wishing I knew more about  computers.  A few 
later she showed me an adult education flyer from  the local high school
which was offering a course in computer programming and  suggested I take it
(for $10).  I did.  The computer was a DEC PDP-8  and I soon exhausted its
capabilities.  The teacher suggested I take some  real computer programming
courses at Boston University, which I did (the first  course used punched
cards!) and went on to a successful career in the computer  industry.
I'm still intrigued by artificial intelligence, which is a current issue
of concern,
including its threat to humanity (Computer: I know best and can  think
faster).  The Internet, connecting almost everything, is already wide  open to
malevolent human intelligence, let alone AI with unknown potential.
Reading the story changed my life but I never expected it to fold back to
my interest in ham radio and RTTY.
Ken,  AB1J
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