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[SD-User] ARRL 10M contest problems

Subject: [SD-User] ARRL 10M contest problems
From: Bert Hyman <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 12:24:48 -0600
List-post: <">>
Got an email from the ARRL contest folks telling me that my log for the December 10 meter contest was bad, with the QSO number for all non-US stations set to zero.
Looking back in the archives of this list, I saw that a fix had already 
been published on Dec 15, changing the last line in the template:
The last line reads
MAP         :59 10 74           'Exchange Rcvd

It should read
MAP         :54 10 74           'Exchange Rcvd

I had run the contest with SD version 10.06, and looking at the template I saw that the last line was already set to the suggested value.
Re-running SDCHECK produced another log with the same problem.

Maybe I'd seen the fix, installed it, re-ran SDCHECK, submitted the log without looking at it, and completely forgotten about the whole thing.
I just downloaded SD version 10.11, and re-ran SDCHECK to produce the 
Cabrillo log. SDCHECK has now been running for a very long time, and 
after answering the questions, it's just sat there, slowly counting down 
from 30 to 1, over and over.
Any suggestions, other than forgetting about the 10 meter contest for 2012?

Bert Hyman        St. Paul, MN
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