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[SECC] Comments requested.

Subject: [SECC] Comments requested.
From: (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 16:49:43 -0400
On 6/9/00 4:11 PM, David Thompson at wrote:

>I need some comments from club members and those who are subscribed to the
>SECC reflector on the CQ 160 Contests.
>2.    There is controversy on two topics this year (again).   The first is
>what is the cutoff for uniques (unverified Q's)?
>        Don and I defined this as 7% in 1990 before considering DQ.
>  Thus uniques even in ON4UN's or WB9Z logs
>are less than 2%.

In my opinion, there is NO percentage of uniques that should force a DQ. 
Any disqualification has to be a carefully executed decision by a human 
making the judgement. You can't just say "gosh, he had a bunch of 
uniques" and DQ him automatically -- there has to be further evidence 
that something is afoot.

Uniques are not an indicator of foul play, just the inability of log 
checking to determine if a contact is valid or not. 

>        The second is a growing practice (GW3YDX says he has this on tape)
>to have someone hold a freq while they work mults across
>        the bands.   What he found was pre-arranged holding of a freq not
>just giving up a freq like has happened to me in the past. (and          to
>almost everyone at one time or another).  GW3YDX recommends DQ or at least
>reclassifying the stations to M/O.

While such a practice is certainly reprehensible and unethical, in 
reality it probably does not convey any significant advantage. The 
frequency being "held" may in fact be one of the crummiest on the band.

>3.    We have been looking at several exchange possibilities for DX.   The
>two that have been recommended include power (like the ARRL DX) or Grid
>square.    K1MEM and K2EEK liked age (as in the JA contest with 00 (zero
>zero) being the default.   Ideas?   

Power is good. People know what their power level is. They don't always 
know what their grid square is.

An alternative is a sequence number (like WPX). 

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
Quote: "Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!"
            -- Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales

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