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[SECC] 160 band plan comments

Subject: [SECC] 160 band plan comments
From: (Bill Coleman)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:22:37 -0500
On 3/16/01 5:27 PM, Victor Blackwell at wrote:

>In as much as you don't appear to be a DXer, ask some of your friends who
>are.  Then I think you will have an informed opinion.  or try thinking of
>this from the point of view of the DX stations who can work us or leave us.
>They know where we are and how to work US stations if they want too.

Well, in a contest, it could be that the DX just doesn't expect to work 
US stations at that particular time -- so if there is an unexpected 
opening on 40m, it will be missed.

If you look at the results from large M/M stations by band, or the 
single-band scores, it's quite clear that the 80m scores are often higher 
than the 40m scores on SSB. The opposite is true of CW scores. This tells 
me that forcing a split situation on 40m results in a reduced opportunity.

>Look at the RF spectrum in a typical CW split operation,  you will see
>literally dozens of stations calling when they should be silent.  Do you
>want them on top of the DX while you are listening for your call?

If you look at my posting carefully, you'll see the first words were 
"Splits are not common during contests".

>BTW,  splits are very common now  a days, virtually ever where.  I will be
>doing it on my DXpedition this summer.

A DX pileup is a different animal than a contest pileup. Split operation 
is quite common in a DX pileup. Splits are uncommon in a contest pileup. 
Partly because a station can't keep his listening frequency clear unless 
he occupies it.

The key difference here is that DX pileup splits are entered into 
voluntarily. That can continue regardless of the bandplan. But split 
operation on 40m SSB is FORCED by the bandplan. 

I certainly wouldn't advocate for a bandplan on 160m that would FORCE 
split operation to work DX on SSB.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
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            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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