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[SECC] 160 plan

Subject: [SECC] 160 plan
From: w4an@CONTESTING.COM (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 18:20:25 -0500 (EST)
I agree Dave.  W8JI, W4ZV, and K1ZM not withstanding...  there are about
.0000000000000000000000000000000001% of hams affected by the CQ 160 SSB
contest or the NAQP SSB contest.  Are there others that affect these 160
DXers?  I don't think so.  So ZV is jumping up and down a lot screaming
and yelling, but the bottom line is that the current situation isn't
broken for most of us.  



On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, David L. Thompson wrote:

> I have filed comments with the FCC in opposition to any formal segmentation
> on 160 at this time.    A better approach is to get
> IARU to get 1800 to 1900 Khz as a world wide band so we can implement the
> ARRL and IARU volunteer plans.   The problem is that
> much of the world does not have all the frequencies we in the US and Canada
> have access to...with many limited to 1830 to 1850
> or some other allocation for all modes CW, SSB, Digital etc.   If we force
> much of the DX to work spit then we run into the problems
> that we have on 75 and 40 with complaints to the FCC about interference to
> existing QSOs.  I have talked to Riley on e-mail and he agrees
> and does not feel that the FCC will further segment the bands.  Wally, LZ2CJ
> tells me that 1840 to 1860 is full of loud UB and UA stations
> each weekend that are NOT in the contest so this portion is useless in
> Europe.  He can operate 1870 so that is where he and the EU stations that
> can operate SSB in contests.
> I also talked to the new FCC Chairman recently and his first question was
> why don't hams work the new (more efficient...his words)
> modes such as digital PSK31 and now digital voice?   His feedback is that
> PSK31 is far better than CW for weak signal and SSB is not even in the
> ballpark!  He told the group I was in that if amateur radio is to survive
> with the existing frequencies (especially the UHF ones) we must start using
> new modes.   Amateur radio was the leader in SSB, packet and effective moon
> bounce in the past.
> Rod, W6ROD,  did some legwork on my idea for a world wide band  on 160 in
> the lower 100Khz and told me there was little support right now as their
> main interest (at least thru 2003) was 40 meters.
> I told the FCC I support the ARRL plan and that except for 2 or 3 weekends
> each year the band plan woks.  I am disgusted as anyone at the Mexicans and
> Florida stations that have moved to 1812 and 1830 recently.
> 73 Dave K4JRB
> --
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